I have to be honest, while I was shooting yesterday I REALLY didn't want to go outside because it was freezing. So I had this idea about the glasses that are in my cupboards, and I took many pictures and found them all very uninteresting... The reason why I wanted pictures of my cups were because they are glass. Being a mother you evaluate and strategize your battles. One battle I was tired of fighting early on were broken glasses. Money to replace them, pieces that were missed when sweeping up the remains, and over all frustration... I opted to just buy plastic, and have done so for about 20 years. A few months ago it occurred to me that now is the time to purchase real glasses. Silly I know, but a true story nonetheless. The spoons are two different sizes, and the reason for this is when visiting my younger brother recently... My sister-in-law made a wonderful clam chowder, and when we were setting the table my brother asked me if I wanted a big spoon or a little spoon. I told him big of course, since I have a big mouth... = ) I have never been the prim and proper sort of girl. My father married a couple of times when I was young trying to have a woman be a good role model for me... all of them tried, and all failed miserable on many levels to mold me into a "lady". So this shot is a look at where I am at... I'm still using big spoons, but am drinking out of real glasses. I am a cup half full kind of person most days. I make it a point to try and fill the cups around me with what they are lacking... inspiration, friendship, hope, joy, understanding, love, loyalty, safety.