Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 348/365

yesterday afternoon, i had the strangest thing happen. there i was driving down the road and i see a hawk carrying a rabbit in his talons! we about had a head on collision and the bird of prey dropped his rabbit and flew away leaving feathers behind him. i was left in a "HOLY CRAP DID THAT JUST REALLY HAPPEN" state of mind.

this morning walking into work there was a little furry friend. now i doubt very seriously if this is the SAME rabbit, but of course it does make ya stop and think... WTH is the universe trying to say. so i googled some things, then i tried bing and finally found this page. rather you believe in this sort of thing is neither here nor there, but it was interesting (for me) nonetheless.

so my photo of the day is my furry friend capture, walking into work this morning. the hawk carrying the rabbit did not get captured on my camera, but will forever be a true story i can share :) 

while on my lunch break i captured this... rays of sunshine through a tangled mess...

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 347/365

looking for my "authentic self".....

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 346/365

i am playing a bit of catch up. this week has been full of business ~some of it good~some of it, not so much. i have been on a simple abundance journey, and this is day 29. today i thought about how to "draw a personal treasure map". the most savvy pirates knew the importance of mapping out the buried treasure. they also knew its worth... 
"you have to know what your digging for, before X can mark the spot."

Day 345/365

The daily dialogue or the groan and forget it book. This is the book I will put all my worries in. 

Day 344/365

it was a good day. light being found in the most amazing places. both figuratively and literally :)  

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 342/365

another one bites the dust

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 341/365

Chocolate Chip Cookies :)
I wish I had a fantastical story about these "home made cookies"... Here is the deal, I am domestically challenged. I have stopped fighting this fact and embrace it! I am just grateful they have these awesome packages of cookie dough where all ya do is plop them on a cookie sheet and cook ~whaa laaa poof ~ you have gooey chewy :)

Day 340/365

You're #1 :)

Day 339/365

the sun illuminating love...
I love lazy days :) 

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 338/365

I talked to my oldest yesterday, and when he referred to me as MeMa Juice, I HAD to laugh! 

I started my family early in life. This means the boys had more grandparents than they could count. We had "Grandma with the chickens", "Big Grandpa" (who was later dubbed "Mean Grandpa"), Grandpa with the pretty birds, Grandma with the crazy cat. Then there were the last name grandparents, and the first name grandparents... you get the idea. I imagine my grandson is going through the same type of thing...

Julius and I sat down and had a talk about this, and he likes it :)
 MeMa Juice it is :)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 336/365

our moon

Day 335/365

looking for enlightenment :)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 334/365

it was a weird blue monday... when i was leaving my house for work this morning i noticed the sky. it has been raining. we have had over two feet of snow melt in a single afternoon. what a strange strange day.
this was taken this morning with my blackberry
this was taken with the d80@lunch
a blue blue monday

Day 333/365

P is for Picasso lol or as the little peanut says "ca-lou" she likes to "ca-lou" A LOT lol

Mist, and her little peanut came for a visit :) what a fun day.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 332/365

i'm writing today, with no photo in mind... i am at a point in my project where i am exhausted. inspiration comes in smaller waves. reflecting on my journey. three hundred and thirty two days, a camera in hand. some days spending HOURS just to "find" the shot. other days capturing "it" on the run. reminding myself it has been 353 days since my d80 found a home with me. prior to that i was a point and shoot type a gal. i remind myself of the many things i've learned. not just on the subject of photography, but the world around me. rather capturing the moment, or creating them. learning to relax. "perfection" is over rated. "curious"-"interesting"-"oops" are far more fun AND realistic :) (i can always count on my oop's of the day lol). i still have yet to picked a theme for my 52 week project. i am undecided. this is me, trying to have a little more faith in the universe. who knows my project may be "themeless" lol. HA
 pic of the day...


Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 331/365

a grizzled fence friday

finding gold in all the gray

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 330/365

Max and the frog...
This is the face, when saying "riv it"
this is the frog, who as far as I know doesn't say anything
Max hanging out with the amphibians in the man cave

Day 329/365

unconditional love. 
today i was reminded that i'm not 10 feet tall and bullet proof. in fact i'm only 5' 10" and  soft in most spots :) he always greets me at the door, smiling with his WHOLE body (all 115lbs). he waits patiently for me to finish my day at work, or my chores when i get home. he worries about me when i'm not acting myself, looking at me as if to say "is everything okay?". oh, he will also wait for me to get up, so he can steal my spot lol and looks at me with a "what?" look when I come back to reclaim it :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 328/365

I knitted my VERY FIRST HAT!!! okay its kinda ugly, but it was made by these hands that are typing; its warm and I FINALLY finished it lol. For whatever reason I think as a grandmother I have a duty to learn how to knit, and do it well. (some body slap me already lol)

Day 327/365

happy bench monday
Smart Wool edition.
I'm telling you, these are a little slice of heaven for your feet, in below zero weather :)

Day 326/365

its all in perception... 

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day 325/365

focusing on listening to the universe!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Day 324/365

When asked the question, what makes you happy, do you have an answer? I thought about this question through out the day. The more I thought about it, the longer my list got. I have discovered my happiness comes from the simplest of things. .
like my jedi blanket with super powers...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 322/365


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 321/365

Its times like these...

Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 320/365

there were amazing colors this evening.
Grateful for my boys-Grateful for leftovers-Grateful for Pink's

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 319/365

 "You only live once~but if you work it right, once is enough" -Joe E. Lewis. 

 I pampered myself this morning. 
 I located my hand me down foot soaker, and added some magical happy feet potions (christmas present) to the warm water... 
slipping my feet in, and relaxed. 

some days it really doesn't suck to be me :)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day 318/365

My resolution for the year that begins with ones, is to finish... finish the many things I have started. Finish my 365 photo project. Finish clearing my clutter. Finish organizing. Completing the many projects I have started, pushing through my procrastination.

I dusted off (literally) my Simple Abundance books (Daybook of comfort and Joy; Journal of Gratitude). My personal goal is to document a year of gratitude. "If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough"~Meister Eckhart.

The first morning of 1-1-11