Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day 174/365

I have spent my lunch hour at the park lately. Maybe its because I know that the warm days are going to be gone soon... Summer has breezed right on by. I can't believe its already the 10th! 
Little White Trash Flowers.... no really these little white flowers were right by the trash can at the park! lol

Another view :)

I have been pretty self absorbed... maybe self absorbed isn't the right phrase. I talked to my Granny a few months ago and told her that I was going through a mid life crisis... SHE said (from what I told her) I wasn't going through a crisis, I was going through a reflection period. So using her words, I have been self reflecting... I have a very analytical mind. I pay close attention to details that are often overlooked by others. This has always been a blessing and a curse... It is important to me things make sense... That being said, I have reached many conclusions. I have let go of the illusions of control (for the most part). I have identified some mistakes had to be made to reach the next level of growth. I am rearranging priorities, and enjoying the rewards of my hard work... I doubt I will ever really "change" but there is one thing for sure, I will continue to grow :) I have been experiencing RAW emotions and determine its good for my soul.


  1. excellent shot and love the idea of a reflection period instead of a crisis!

  2. Thanks!!! My Granny is awesome. I can only hope I have half the spunk she does at 84 :)

  3. Found your blog on flickr! I love your self reflection :)

  4. saw your pic @ the sunday creative :) great interpretation f the prompt!

  5. Awesome, awesome, awesome selfie, gorgeous one.
    Your Granny is a smart lady :)
