Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day 286/365

Alrighty, I am officially addicted to snapfish! "Hello, I'm Monyka, and I'm a SnapFish-oholic.I just ordered my christmas cards and am SOOOOOO excited to get them in the mail, so I can, um, get them in the mail!

Today is the final day of November... Where in the HECK did this year go? One minute we are saying goodbye to 09 and here we are, fixin' to kiss 2011 right on the talker!! Craziness. For whatever reason this building makes me hum "its a small world after all" LOL (yeah I'm a goof, I can't help it. I'm pretty sure I passed this on to my children!) So this is an after work shot which I doctored with snow flakes cause at this very moment it is too cold to snow!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Day 285/365

Mema asks Max "are you a monkey?" (he was making a noise that sounded like a monkey) Maximus says to his Mema "NO, a POLAR  BEAR". Yeah I would have never of guessed that one LOL.

Happy Bench Monday
I explained to Max, the only time he can stand on the coffee table is with his Mema... He said "Okaaaay".

Day 284/365

Sunday Dinner Thanksgiving Style 
(thats how I spent my sunday)
I asked max if he wanted to look at the lights and he said "yes" then I told him "K. Stand over here" and he says "O-KAAAAAAY". We were singing christmas songs together. It was great fun!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Day 283/365

Saturday Night Lights

Day 282/365

snowbank friday

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Day 281/365

I had every intention of making a long detailed list of all the things I am thankful for. At number 5 on my list it occurred to me what I am MOST thankful for. Its one small HUGE thing. I am thankful for  the moments of enlightenment. The year of 2010 have been filled with much clarity, and resolve. Some of which  I wasn't entirely ready for. There were moments I would slam the door on it. Turn up the radio to drowned it out. Squeezing my eyes shut so tight my head hurt. There have been moments when I would search for numbing agents... I didn't say it was an easy process, I merely said I am thankful for it.
Happy Day of Thanks!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day 280/365

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 279/365

Comfort food
(i love pasta)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 278/365

Today was a walking in a shakin' up snow globe kind of day. School was canceled, and temperatures have dropped to the teens (its 17 but feels like zero degrees). I had intended on having a white out bench monday, but for whatever reason that just did not happen. When I was getting fix for work this morning I noticed the crooked icicle (I probably wouldn't have noticed it was crooked had I not taken pictures of straight ones yesterday)
This is visual conformation the wind blows far too hard here!
The week before last I seen the trailer for "Eat Pray Love". First off I have loved Julia Roberts since I first "met" her in 1990. I love her laugh and her ability to make being awkward look, well, less awkward. Last week I impulsively purchased the paperback, because, well, I was being impulsive. Here is the thing, I had full intentions of borrowing from the library. Then I seen it at wal mart and next thing I know its on my kitchen table. Sometimes that is how my life works... one minute your headed in one direction and the next minute, you have a bunch of stuff on your kitchen table. Yesterday I made time to read... 
 The first fifty pages I was in and out of tears, relating to the words on the pages... remembering my own letters I wrote to God, to myself, to the universe. Finding clarity in a single moment, knowing right now things are not okay, but YOU will be okay soon. 
Oh and my mail box had my first order from SnapFish :)
my first fifty prints were free (ya just can't beat free).

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Day 277/365

The snow just kept coming and coming. Where I live it is sometimes difficult to determine exactly HOW much snow we get, because the wind tends to shake things up. I love the idea of a white Christmas however I know that it will be a white new years, valentine day, st. patricks day, easter, and sometimes memorial day! Heck we have had snow in JULY before!

While I was at work yesterday, I was introduced to the concept you can make an omelet in a baggy... I'm telling you, this was a fun little adventure (and a tasty brunch). So while the wind was howling and blowing snow I was playing with eggs lol.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day 276/365

Max and Ju playin' in the "no"
 Tonight I told Max we need to get him some snow boots and he says "yes, no boobs mema" LMAO I love speech impediments. He was also pointing out the "airy miss miss" (Merry Christmas aka christmas lights).

Friday, November 19, 2010

Day 275/265

Cold cold night...

Day 274/365

Be Constructive...
 "clear your mind of can't"
~ Samuel Johnson
 Maybe that is my trouble! I have been in a "can't want to do it" mode.

The story behind the phrase...
I am sure I could blame my "frame" of mind on many things ~> Lack of sunshine~>Lack of sleep~>Too many worries~>Reminders... My father used to say "excuses are like assholes everyone has one.". (Yes I had to remind him often if he wanted to raise a lady he shouldn't talk like a sailor!) I have always been an over achiever in the excuse department, being quick to come up with more than one on a moments notice (see above)! LOL My dad used to also tell me "can't never could" I am pretty sure that is where I came up with the phrase "I CAN'T WANT TO". =) 

The I can't want to mode is usually temporary and enables you to start wanting to again! So here is to "clearing your mind of CAN'T."

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day 273/365

It was a house cleaning, flower smelling, beautiful sunset kind of day.

Pic of the day. I REALLY need to learn/work on my night shots!! (adding to the to do list). I still think its a groovy shot even though I failed to capture the fire sky... this is more of a pretty in pink sky. 

My great grandmothers dishes have a new home in the hand me down hutch. (I still need to ask my granny about the little plate/bowl cup things... I don't think they used them because that is the only full set in the set lol).

and my letter to spring....

Dear Spring,
I realize you have only been gone a short time but GET YOUR BUTT BACK HERE!!! I am SO over the cold. Just sayin... hugs and kisses ~ Mony

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 272/365

uh oh we are getting down to the last leaf... you know what that means?!?!?

We have had some seriously STRONG winds today and its amazing there are any leaves left!

Day 271/365

there is snow on them there hills.

Day 270/365

 playing with texture while cleaning the house.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day 269/365

To write love on her arm

A movement that started with one person, and continues to touch, change and save lives. My hope is light will find its way to the hearts who find themselves in the dark and twisty place.

(Thank you J. for sharing your story.)

Day 268/365

Its a tangled mess of barbwire fence friday... and its fitting :)

My week has been a bit of a tangled mess... Since the good bye party I have worked hard on making lists. I can think of several reasons why 
one: to remember (memory is the second thing to go)
two: assist with focus (not chasing squirrels)
three: motivation (when I can't want to do it)
four: it shows those around me what I'm working on (my way of asking for help lol)

Soaking up the sun enjoying those last moments right before winter stays :)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day 267/365

Mental pause... menopause, nope I had it right the first time! I work with some amazing people who supply me with vitamin E's (education and enlightenment). I was borrowed a book last year to educate me with what to expect with age.

I wish I could say I have read this book and am completely educated and enlightened (insert face made from above photo). I have looked at the cover several times (does that count??). Denial is not just a river in Egypt! Truth of the matter is I JUST CAN'T WANT TO!

(= Happy Self Portrait Thursday =)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Monday, November 8, 2010

Day 264/365

Happy Bench Monday

Time Warp Edition

Day 263/365

Sunday Mornings....

MY Sunday morning started around 4:30 am to Max's voice whispering "mema, milk" lol I appreciated that he whispered it =)

I have to admit that I love his point of view, and these days he enjoys seeing things while on his head lol

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Day 262/365

Today I am mourning a loss...

I had purchased a terabyte external hard drive a few years ago. Today it died. This is where my morning became interesting. See I put lots of information on my external hard drive, such as video's, pictures (both current ones I have been taking and ones I have been scanning) and my music library. I had roughly 700 gigs of information on this 1000 gig device... its gone- yup all gone. So I cried (literally) and mourned this HUGE loss... ughhh. The Sunday Creative word prompt is obsolete...

without warning or notice my external hard drive became just that (did I say uggh?) UGGGH! I am hoping that this section of my blog will be obsolete, (yes my optimistic side is fighting hard to keep my chin up). Maybe I can find a super tech who can recover some of the information. Maybe they can recover SOME of my photos. MAYBE ALL of my videos will not be lost forever. okay Okay OKAY. I am working my self up again...

I am SO grateful having Max with me today to keep me completely distracted. However he is currently sleeping after a fun filled day of puppets and drawing and coloring and running and dancing and singing and reading and laughing and building...

Friday, November 5, 2010

Day 261/365

It has been a crazy busy week. 
 Feels like crazy is becoming part of the routine. This was our sunset tonight (sooc)
Its a happy fence friday :)
This is my lunch break shot... you know the one where your like OHHH there is a fence and before you know it you're squealing your tires ~ making a sharp turn to back track just a little ~ so you can have a happy fence shot for friday :)

Day 260/365

This is one of THOSE shots where I have NO IDEA what happened. SERIOUSLY NO IDEA! I have my handy dandy tripod. I have my trusty little remote. I have my grandson's bubbles. I have sunshine. I have the camera adjusted the way I think I want it. I blow the bubbles while pressing the remote... a bunch of times. Might I just add that blowing bubbles during your lunch hour is somewhat therapeutic! just stayin. When I FINALLY was able to pull the images off of my camera this morning I was like W.T.H. happened HERE! yeah, I don't know! No Clue! Some how or another they got smashed together on my SD card. craziness. So this is my Self Portrait Thursday posted on a Friday evening because LIFE happens.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 259/365

Wordless Wednesday shot
and Wordy Wednesday
I got to have lunch with an amazing lady whom I think the world of.
Ms Gina 
She is Smart-Sassy-Kind-Creative-Helpful-Supportive-Authentic-Determined-Opinionated-Aerobic addict-Kick boxer-bike riding-canine loving-go getter whom I am honored to call my friend.

SIDE NOTE: On our way to start operation park city drop off, Max got stung by a wasp... he is fine and once we got a cold pack (bag of frozen peas and carrots) and some benadryl in him he was a happy camper (or should I say passenger). His uncle Caz is having car problems (again) so we headed out to the dealership for warranty work to be done. Max and I were talking and pointing out the colors of things (we were limited because it is getting dark at 6:30). He was a little jabber box. Then we were singing... This was my very first time singing to the radio with him and  it was cracking me up.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 258/365


Happy Purple Tuesday...

This was the back up plan, kinda last minute, oh shoot what do we have that is purple shot... I missed my opportunity today. I was driving over the bridge and noticed the pond reflecting the purple sky tonight. I had cars in front of me and cars behind me and I looked at the "emergency lane"... There was no way I could pull over and be safe about it. I laugh because the thought did cross my mind to see if I could wait out traffic. My co-pilot had every intention to direct traffic if needed.... the fact it took me 30 seconds to decide that isn't a very good idea makes me giggle. lol So I opted to not put any lives in danger. I might want to put that on a future list though "risking life and limb shot" lol ;)