Saturday, November 6, 2010

Day 262/365

Today I am mourning a loss...

I had purchased a terabyte external hard drive a few years ago. Today it died. This is where my morning became interesting. See I put lots of information on my external hard drive, such as video's, pictures (both current ones I have been taking and ones I have been scanning) and my music library. I had roughly 700 gigs of information on this 1000 gig device... its gone- yup all gone. So I cried (literally) and mourned this HUGE loss... ughhh. The Sunday Creative word prompt is obsolete...

without warning or notice my external hard drive became just that (did I say uggh?) UGGGH! I am hoping that this section of my blog will be obsolete, (yes my optimistic side is fighting hard to keep my chin up). Maybe I can find a super tech who can recover some of the information. Maybe they can recover SOME of my photos. MAYBE ALL of my videos will not be lost forever. okay Okay OKAY. I am working my self up again...

I am SO grateful having Max with me today to keep me completely distracted. However he is currently sleeping after a fun filled day of puppets and drawing and coloring and running and dancing and singing and reading and laughing and building...

1 comment:

  1. oh geez, that sucks muchly.
    But seriously, don't give up hope! I know quite a few people that's happened to and they've been able to recover their stuff. Serious.
    Bring it somewhere with a great reputation and ask for help.
    Cry. Tears help get the point across. LOL!
    (kidding, kinda)
