Today was an exceptional Monday. It is not always like this for me, so when there is an extraordinary Monday I try to appreciate every single moment! My forty list has caused me to reach out of my comfort zone and take chances. Getting in touch with my fearless heart and imagination... Looking at the future with new focus (and its good).
A surprise visit = ) Chase said that he picked Max up from day care today and on their way home he made a request to go see his Mema ( =
I apologized to him that I am the Mema that is domestically challenged. There isn't fresh baked cookies in the cookie jar, nor is there a wonderfully home cooked meal waiting for company to drop in on. I am the Mema that gets down on the floor and plays, who tickles and giggles.
The Mema who has a puppet in one hand a camera in the other and dances in the living room.
That is why this one is so out of focus!
I am the Mema that will whip up Top Roman with apple slices on the side, for dinner =)
I know how hard it can be to play and take pictures at the same time -- but it is so much fun : )