Monday, May 24, 2010

Day 96/365

I’m not sure why I try and force my creativity… it comes when it comes and it goes when it goes. My day was one of those Mondays… I woke up to rain, and when it was time for work it was snowing (and not just a little bit but a WHOLE stinkin’ LOT of the soggy slushy stuff!). So the hair I spent time on, and the makeup applied was REALLY a waste of time (here is me thinking I could have gotten at LEAST 45 minutes more sleep and looked exactly the same only more rested!) 

My rant does have some meaning, you see yesterday I had my little family all together. We had us some hotdogs, hamburgers, homemade french fries and some cute little mini cupcakes. When I went shopping for our feast I fell in LOVE with these cute little flowers and thought they would make a great center piece… alright Alright ALRIGHT I TOTALLY bought them for taking pictures.

I fell in love with the bubbles on the stems this morning but could not take a decent photo to save my life (Not at all implying I take great pictures but for MY standards I was not happy) THEN I noticed my coffee table. The hand me down, the one that I have had for over 15 years and it was really old before I got it! It was in that moment I remembered why I started taking pictures in the first place, to show the world through my eyes.

A long story longer… I initially thought my photo of the day would be the little bubbles.

Or the snow

I second guessed telling the story, and now find myself unable to stop. My hand me down coffee table, the one with the sides worn from family, friends and pets rubbing up against it.Scratched from cars and trucks, video game and chains that were attached to wallets when those boys of mine wanted to be thugs for a minute (or at least dress like them). My coffee table that has had more hands, feet and butts on it… The coffee table where homework was done, or card games won. The coffee table I had full intentions on getting rid of once the boys were grown and gone. The same table that is enduring another generation of cars and trucks, hands,  feet and  bums.

The table that was a lot darker than it is now… The table that I put my little flowers on and snapped a picture.

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