Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 115/365

Todays assignment was on "Fly"... Like a good maggot (I'm giggling  because of the play on the word fly-maggot-boot camp- isn't that what a Drill Sargent calls the privates lol) as I was saying like a good "maggot" I followed my instructions. I verbally vomited over three pieces of paper, writing what ever came to mind, no filtering... I enjoyed it, by the way and plan on doing more :) 

It was a busy/productive day. I took lots of shots to show an interpretation of fly but the rain clouds blocked the sun and those shots were just not meant to be. I ended up making my first ever marshmallow gun (with the help of a friend and her family). For the record trying to photograph a marshmallow being shot from a gun without ANY attempt of staging, is... well... HARD! I took a lot of great shots however, this being the only photo with a flying mallow... 

Releasing inhabitation is a wounderous thing and I highly recommend it lol. The mallows did in fact FLY!

Day seven

Day eight
and the rain DID "lend grace or beauty" to the petals of the flower :)

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