Friday, June 18, 2010

Day 121/365

Today is the final day of my e-course (Creativity Boot Camp). I would be lying if I said I'm glad its over. Truth is I have really enjoyed myself and learned a lot about nurturing my creativity. I have always been a dreamer. As a kid I lived in a world of make believe where I made the rules. As I got older, I day dreamed… daily. Dreaming of possibilities and what if’s. I’m still a dreamer… however I find most of the dreams happen while I’m sleeping. The past 13 days I have gotten back in touch with the child who had an imaginary horse named Thunder and dreamed of becoming a belly dancer and later a super hero. The same kid, who thought it was possible to meet and marry Rick Springfield. She grew up to be a mother and grandmother… The mother/grandmother still dreams of the many possibilities, but now worries about the what if's. Growing up it seems she is much more reality based (which is too bad and is fixin' to change!).

I had an idea about the topic for the day, and am pleased with the results. I went to the Wal Fart and what should have  been a quick in & out thing took WAY longer (they rearranged EVERYTHING!) Here is my interpretation of 

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