Monday, May 31, 2010

Day 103/365

I love little marshmallow fingers holding little marshmallows :)

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Day 102/365

Memorial Day

is Honoring the fallen warriors.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Day 101/365

This was the only photo I took today, from my Black Berry while traveling... :) Some people say that the windmills are an eyesore. I think they are groovy.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Day 100/365

So it is the 100th day on my 365 adventure!!! I knew I wanted a self portrait/group shot, but let me just say using the timer with your puppy can be REALLY tricky!!!

Step one: noticing that the only  natural light in the house @ noon is IN the bathroom

Step two: NO talking to the puppy cause he will look at YOU instead of the camera!

Step Three: if you lean over and snap your fingers by the camera he DOES look :)

Step Four: Remember step TWO!!

Step five: Break doggy treats in HALF. They last longer and you don't have to worry about your puppy  not  being able to fit through the XL Doggy Door :)

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong to be having a slight blur... yeah, I don't know. lol After MANY tries, I realized I have taken about a hundred shots to get my HUNDREDTH shot (dang it).

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 99/365

99/365, originally uploaded by Monybean.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day 98/365

98/365, originally uploaded by Monybean.
I received a "care package" today which included a "story book" that was filled with love, my glass case, contacts, travel size solution, and case.

Look at the amazing attempt with stamp placement to make a heart! Extra credit goes to putting more postage on than necessary to accomplish these feat! I have no idea who put the big "S" on it though! Maybe it was the postman wanting me to have a Super Wednesday :)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day 97/365

Lemons and humming  birds pretty much sums up the day :)

I was completely amazed with this little guy. I must say that humming  birds are SUPER hard to capture at dusk...

Monday, May 24, 2010

Day 96/365

I’m not sure why I try and force my creativity… it comes when it comes and it goes when it goes. My day was one of those Mondays… I woke up to rain, and when it was time for work it was snowing (and not just a little bit but a WHOLE stinkin’ LOT of the soggy slushy stuff!). So the hair I spent time on, and the makeup applied was REALLY a waste of time (here is me thinking I could have gotten at LEAST 45 minutes more sleep and looked exactly the same only more rested!) 

My rant does have some meaning, you see yesterday I had my little family all together. We had us some hotdogs, hamburgers, homemade french fries and some cute little mini cupcakes. When I went shopping for our feast I fell in LOVE with these cute little flowers and thought they would make a great center piece… alright Alright ALRIGHT I TOTALLY bought them for taking pictures.

I fell in love with the bubbles on the stems this morning but could not take a decent photo to save my life (Not at all implying I take great pictures but for MY standards I was not happy) THEN I noticed my coffee table. The hand me down, the one that I have had for over 15 years and it was really old before I got it! It was in that moment I remembered why I started taking pictures in the first place, to show the world through my eyes.

A long story longer… I initially thought my photo of the day would be the little bubbles.

Or the snow

I second guessed telling the story, and now find myself unable to stop. My hand me down coffee table, the one with the sides worn from family, friends and pets rubbing up against it.Scratched from cars and trucks, video game and chains that were attached to wallets when those boys of mine wanted to be thugs for a minute (or at least dress like them). My coffee table that has had more hands, feet and butts on it… The coffee table where homework was done, or card games won. The coffee table I had full intentions on getting rid of once the boys were grown and gone. The same table that is enduring another generation of cars and trucks, hands,  feet and  bums.

The table that was a lot darker than it is now… The table that I put my little flowers on and snapped a picture.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Day 95/365

95/365, originally uploaded by Monybean.
I was THAT kid. The one that questioned the directive "don't touch the stove, its hot". Instead of thinking "okay, sounds reasonable" I would wonder "how hot is it?" I don't recall ever TOUCHING it but I do remember getting close enough to gage how hot... at least not touching it on purpose =)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Day 94/365

94/365, originally uploaded by Monybean.
Who knew that all I needed was a little help... putting the pieces together. I love my Saturday mornings with my grandson.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Day 93/365

93/365, originally uploaded by Monybean.
Happy Fence Friday :)

Day 92/365

92/365, originally uploaded by Monybean.
They opened up just for me.... Kimmie said so ;)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 91/365

91/365, originally uploaded by Monybean.
ready to get off the crazy train...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 90/365

90/365, originally uploaded by Monybean.
Rainy day people... Hi, I'm Monyka and I'm a photoholic. I realized this today when I refused to use my windshield wipers during the rain storm because I thought I could get a cool shot, purposely driving by a street light on my way to work! Yeah, it didn't turn out (and yes I will try again). This was my lunch hour shot... there are some days my visions come to life in vivid color. There are other days when I have the vision but there is no life or color... no worries, right :)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Day 89/365

89/365, originally uploaded by Monybean.
Crack comes in many forms. With the season finale coming... knowing I'm going to have to wait until summer is over before I find out WHAT HAPPENS.... sheesh!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Day 88/365

88/365, originally uploaded by Monybean.
Starting the day with checkered flags :)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Day 87/365

87/365, originally uploaded by Monybean.
I had a grand day... My GRANDson and I went on a wonderful adventure visiting family and friends. 300 miles later a very tired boy kept looking at me in the rearview mirror saying "night night?". He had fun, but his bed was calling his name ;)

We played with bubbles, and a football. We played with giant legos and three happy pugs! We ate fast food and the company we kept today was amazing :)

These are the salt and pepper shakers that started the collection over 65 years ago. My granny has since filled a cabinet... I remember as a little girl I could look at her collection for hours on end, never tiring of the stories of how she came to have so many. When I went to see her today I already knew what my photo of the day would be even before I took it...

When we got to THE GRANDma's house I asked her, "Granny, which are the ones that started it all?" She looked at me bewildered saying "you mean to tell me you don't know??" I laughed and watched her carefully take them out to show me, as she has done so many times. My Granny will be 84 this year and she amazes me always with how much spring is in her step and love that fills her heart. What an amazing lady she is indeed.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Day 86/365

86/365, originally uploaded by Monybean.
Foggy Friday

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day 85/365

85/365, originally uploaded by Monybean.
There is rumor spring (or at least sunshine) will be here this weekend. The fact that the sun came momentarily this morning is good enough for me (small victories). I have noticed lately i'm looking at things VERY closely, I guess so I can see the bigger picture ;) I dig the fuzz on this little bloom.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Day 84/365

83/365, originally uploaded by Monybean.
Just one wish...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 83/365

83/365, originally uploaded by Monybean.


I have been sitting here for 10 minutes searching and pondering, putting forth GREAT effort to find a positive thing to say... I was taught at an early age that if you can't say something nice, its best if you say nothing at all. I have not always followed this advice which has gotten me into more trouble than I care to mention.

Rickin' Frackin' Snow!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 82/365

82/365, originally uploaded by Monybean.
Petal-ing my way through another grey sky, wind howling Monday :)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Day 81/365

81/365, originally uploaded by Monybean.

Mothers Day Blooms

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Day 80/365

Chel 1, originally uploaded by Monybean.
My niece asked me to take her senior pictures... I was both honored and scared to death! I think they turned out FABULOUS!! What a beautiful girl she is (inside and out).

Friday, May 7, 2010

Day 79/365

79/365, originally uploaded by Monybean.
Oh Deer!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 78/365

78/365, originally uploaded by Monybean.
Our little Maximus is waving... Goodbye to being one, and Hello to TWO!! I can not believe 24 months ago we were in a hospital room, anxiously awaiting for him...

What a year...
~He has learned how to walk, run and JUMP!
~His vocabulary is growing daily, and he usually says two words at a time, but in pure max-a-meeze fashion (like Chinese but different).
~He has learned rhythm, and dances when ever a melody inspires him.
~He has found his belly laugh, usually followed by the uncontrollable squeal!
~He has spent MANY minutes in time-out... forever testing ;)
~He has learned how to throw the most amazing tantrums...
~He has learned how to color.
~He has learned how to operate (and demolish) the "DDD" player.
~He has found his singing voice.
~He whispers.
~He can slide down a slide like a pro.
~He still loves hot dogs.
~He now has favorite movies... cars, monsters inc, "doopy doppy do", but also still loves his "E I E I O's" (baby einstein).
~He says "uh huh" instead of yes.
~He has peed in the potty.
~He kisses owies, and will kiss you right on your talker when its time to go...
~He has a strong bond with his " bankee"
~and he is SUCH a TEASE!

I'm so excited for the adventures that are in store for us... How lucky we are to be blessed with such a beautiful baby boy!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day 77/365

77/365, originally uploaded by Monybean.
I see...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Day 76/365

76/365, originally uploaded by Monybean.

Searching for rays of sunshine... accomplished!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 75/365

75/365, originally uploaded by Monybean.
a last minute wal mart parking lot shot at dusk :) SOOOO grateful it didn't snow today!!! Now if we could just get the wind down to a 20mph breeze we would be set ;)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Day 74/365

74/365, originally uploaded by Monybean.
We were invited to spend family time with the Larsen's thanks to Z. So with a spaghetti and sushi lunch and a walk to the school playground the multi generation of cousins got to play. When the kids were little they used to play catch and it was cute because as we were walking to the park I heard one of the boys ask "did anyone bring the mitts?"

The older cousins played Basketball while the younger cousins played on the jungle gym. It was a good day!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Day 73/365

73/365, originally uploaded by Monybean.

Saturday Morning :)