Friday, November 5, 2010

Day 260/365

This is one of THOSE shots where I have NO IDEA what happened. SERIOUSLY NO IDEA! I have my handy dandy tripod. I have my trusty little remote. I have my grandson's bubbles. I have sunshine. I have the camera adjusted the way I think I want it. I blow the bubbles while pressing the remote... a bunch of times. Might I just add that blowing bubbles during your lunch hour is somewhat therapeutic! just stayin. When I FINALLY was able to pull the images off of my camera this morning I was like W.T.H. happened HERE! yeah, I don't know! No Clue! Some how or another they got smashed together on my SD card. craziness. So this is my Self Portrait Thursday posted on a Friday evening because LIFE happens.


  1. This came off the camera like that?!
    (well in this case anyways, would suck if it was a once in a lifetime shot you'd taken, right?)
    I thought you were doing some fancy photoshopping :)
    Whatever the reason, I like it!
    mony, mony, mony. LOL ;)
